Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thing #5

Thing #4 had me "pinging" all over the WWW, and this exercise for RSS is the perfect answer to let me track of some the interesting places I ventured into earlier and will continue to actively seek or accidentally arrive. It was quite interesting to follow some of the discussions that followed some of the postings in Students 2oh. You could almost envision the 'wheels turning' and even interesting to hear what they thought of using those tools in education.

While looking at the Infinite Thinking Machine I became intrigued with Teachers Without Borders. Just looking at the pictures made me much more appreciative of the opportunities that are there just for the taking within our district. I am so spoiled and need to be much more willing to take chances and stretch myself. I will freely admit that I'd rather be curled up somewhere with a book rather than a keyboard (electronic, not acoustic), so I'll need to make a concerted effort to scan and pick from TechLearning!

Having said that, I will way that I did check out the articles on books in the New York Times and did add that to my RSS aggregator or Google Reader. Then I went back to get some of the blogs that we visited on Thing #4. On the Blue Skunk Blog I found Lessons learned from bicycling revisited. It first caught my eye because of the picture he included and the fact that I grew up on a dairy farm. The thoughts were a bit tongue in cheek, but still all of those bits of wisdom to encourage the flagging 2oh student! His last comment had nothing to do with blogging, but was true nevertheless; "Cows always have the right of way." This dose of reality was refreshing!


  1. I love the Google Reader. It helps keep me focused as I, too, am a bird walker. I find that having all my favorite subjects in one place saves time. Well, not really saves time, but does save searching and then reading everything. Now I have more time just for the reading, the searching has been done for me.

  2. As an MISD librarian, you will want to add my blog and Debbie's to your Reader:

    Mine is

    Debbie's is

  3. Tis a done deal. Only one problem, I got to going through some of the blogs you read and ended up staying far too long. I've found the blogs much more informative (for me) than the NY Times articles.
