Saturday, June 27, 2009

Thing #13

Was that a time warp or a worm hole I've just been through? There is so much I still have to learn about using Delicious. For one thing I have a site as a Tag and no matter how I've tried to get rid of it, I haven't managed that yet. While going through some of Mary's accounts I found Mrs. Cushing's library blogs, lesson plans and so much more. I can only imagine how much time she spent creating that, but she did a marvelous job. Since we're going to flexible scheduling I'm going to examine her page(s) some more and see what I can do with what I know at the time.

When I went onto the misd 23 things that were "embedded in a wiki page" I found a site called gamequarium that I immediately stopped and sent to my daughter in-laws to share with my grandchildren. I also had to learn to check the box to keep me checked into my account or I had to log in multiple times. It would seem when you become frustrated enough that you begin to go back and reread your directions to see if you can remove yourself from the quicksand! If someone can give me simplified step by step directions on how to remove a tag I will keep at it until I manage to get that done! Even though I've been moaning I really do appreciate not having to try and juggle these sites or I'd just completely go even more random than I currently am!

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