Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Thing #15 - Wiki Page

Before I begin to reflect there is a big THANK YOU going out to Julia Walker (the innocent victim who had last uploaded her Wiki page to the Sandbox) and Debbie Swartz who was in her office the multiple times I called hollering "Help!" I give thanks that both of you had the patience to walk me step by step. There were times that the title "wicked page" ran through my mind before I had their assistance.

When I came to the mention of the Cheat Sheet I downloaded that, and then went to Wikispaces for additional tutoring. My work in progress can be located at http://misd23things.wikispaces.com/sandbox_experiment . The two (only 2?) items I had the most difficulty with were linking to the slide show and then trying to link my page to the MISD Wiki. That is where Julia and Debbie stepped into to soothe my ruffled feathers. One other problem I had was when I went to upload a picture of myself. When I did that It was like putting an 8x10 picture on the link. When I uploaded a picture from Flickr of an African Grey parrot it came out a very acceptable size. I didn't have the heart to call my 2 life guards back to see what needed to be done there.

Over the course of trying the new tools out I've gotten a bit more comfortable with the various tools, but I know that there is a fairly long road ahead before I get to where I need to be. That being said there have been so many wonderful discoveries along the way and that bodes well for the coming school years.


  1. So glad you called and I could help. :) I love the "Lady Liberty" on your Wiki from TeacherTube. Last summer, my husband and I had the privilege of touring NYC. We saw several "Lady Liberties" walking around the area leading to the entrance of the Status of Liberty's security area. What a wonderful way for students to learn facts about the SOL!

  2. Thank you! I thought maybe I was the only one who was going to go crazy. I had to read and read again all the instructions. Persistence and patience pays off. Your Wiki turned out looking great!
