Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Thing # 11

Please don't think that as I go through these 23 Things that I'm getting any swifter at completing the learning activities. After I visited the different sites I finally decided to use Image Chef. It was fun to play around and see what the different things could be done with various functions that this site performed. Now you need to remember that doing "cute" has never been a high priority for me. Having begun life on a dairy farm there really wasn't time to do much cute, and that has just hung around to the present. As I played with this one function of Image Chef I quickly discovered that each picture really did need its own setting. As I continued to play I also discovered that you could choose to use only a portion of a photograph by using the cropping function, and that they all had to be displayed as a square. This could really be a useful function for an art class when you are teaching the focal point of what you want displayed. I can even understand how this could be used in a newsletter, or on the library's web page. The framing does manage to give a special touch. When trying out the puzzle feature of this site I found that it distorted the picture more than I would have liked. That particular feature would be very good for a landscape or even a portrait. When used in a scenic setting the resolution isn't all that would be desired. As I played around with getting this like I wanted it to look I spent far more time than I had planned on spending. In the process of doing that I did learn a few new things (new for me) that many of you are probably already proficient with. That made me extremely glad that this was going on during the summer where I could spend extra time without going to school the next day sleep deprived.
This is the third generation of our family, and the pride and joys of our life. They have certainly added to the quality of life in general. They are also growing up far too quickly! Time is flying by as they grow up too quickly!


  1. You're doing great - I'm so proud of what you have accomplished so far! :-)

  2. Thanks - it's certainly a work in progress.

  3. I like reading your entries and enjoyed talking to you on the phone. Did you get your Wiki to show up?
